Member-only story
8 German Words That will Inspire You

German — a language that most people consider to be difficult to learn & speak — and for which you need to be aggressive & angry to make it sound real. But believe me, this language has some magic, too. There are some untranslatable words that carry a lot of knowledge, meaning & wonder within them — like these 8 beautiful words that will inspire you:
I just love this word. I want to geniessen everything in this world! This word goes way more deep than just enjoying — it means you are involved with every fibre of your body in what you are doing, it means there is a reciprocity between you and the action you are doing. It goes way beyond the feeling of pleasure because you are enjoying with your body, mind and soul. It means you are completely and 100% involved in the thing you are doing, there doesn’t exist anything else. You are present. And you are enjoying this present to the maximum with all the cells in your body & neurones in your brain. This really comes from the heart.
This word is super-duper long but carries with it a very delicate meaning. Literally translated it means “feeling of the fingertips” — but really there doesn’t exist any correct translation. Fingerspitzengefühl is something you need when your friend just got dumped & is on the edge of…