Member-only story
Are you a minimalist or a maximalist?
Do we really need that many clothes? To answer the question, I always thought I am more of a minimalist. Then I took out all the clothes I accumulated during 2 years of living in Colombia — now I am not so sure anymore.
I ask myself, do I really need all this? Or more importantly, do I really USE all of this?
Very important questions to ask yourself. Today my mother in law took me clothes shopping for my birthday — and that is also the only time per year I actually go to buy clothes. Back in Europe, I preferred thrift & charity shops and almost all my clothes were secondhand. Believe it or not here in Colombia that is not so common. So now that I own even more clothes, I wonder if I still live the style of a minimalist — how I did back when I was travelling.
Let’s face it when you carry only one backpack you don’t actually want to own too many things. That's when I learned to live minimalistic & travel with the things I really need. My rule back then was:
Whenever I buy something new, I have to give something away.
A really good rule to live by, in theory. Because now that changed a bit because being in one place one automatically accumulates things. And believe me, I don’t really…